Install OSC for Matlab on Windows
This is a short HowTo on compiling the OSC implementation by Andy Schmeder for Matlab on Windows.
Needed Tools
- MinGW: Minimalist GNU for Windows:
- MSYS: Bourne Shell for Windows:
- MinGW Developer Tool Kit:
- MinGW Autoconf Update 2.59:
- pthreads for Windows: Threading Library:
- liblo: OSC Library:
- gnumex: GCC Compiler for Matlab:
- osc-mexsrc: OSC for Matlab Source:
MinGW, MSYS and MinGW-DTK can be installed using the setup programs. Afterwards, you need to add the MinGW/bin folder to your “Path” under Settings → Control Panel → System → Advanced → Environment Variables → System Variable → Path (usually, you need to add “C:\MinGW\bin”)
Then, extract the autoconf update into the MinGW installation folder (usually, C:\MinGW). Replace existing files!
Now we need to download and compile pthreads: Extract pthreads to C:\MinGW and start MSYS. You are now dropped to a Unix-like shell. Enter the following:
cd pthreads-w32-2-8-0-release make GC-inlined cp libpthreadGC2.a ../lib cp *.h ../include cp libpthreadGC2.a ../lib/libpthread.a
Download liblo and extract it to C:\MinGW. Open the file src/server.c in a text editor and comment the gia_strerrorA function (lines 79-95). They cause an error upon compilation.
Again, fire up MSYS and enter the following:
cd liblo-0.24 ./configure LIBS=-lws2_32 CFLAGS="-DWIN32 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501" make make install
Download and install gnumex as documented on the homepage. Run gnumex.m in Matlab and enter the details. Now you can find the file mexopts.bat in C:\Document and Settings\%USERNAME%\Application Data\Mathworks\Matlab\R2009a.
Compiling OSC
Download and extract somewhere on your harddrive. Copy mexopts.bat from the previous step into this directory.
Open osc_make.m in the Editor and adapt the windows specific function at the bottom. The following works for me:
mex -Ic:\mingw\liblo-0.24 -Lc:\mingw\lib -f mexopts.bat osc_new_address.c c:\mingw\liblo-0.24\src\.libs\*.o c:\mingw\lib\libws2_32.a c:\mingw\lib\libpthreadGC2.a mex -Ic:\mingw\liblo-0.24 -Lc:\mingw\lib -f mexopts.bat osc_free_address.c c:\mingw\liblo-0.24\src\.libs\*.o c:\mingw\lib\libws2_32.a c:\mingw\lib\libpthreadGC2.a mex -Ic:\mingw\liblo-0.24 -Lc:\mingw\lib -f mexopts.bat osc_new_server.c c:\mingw\liblo-0.24\src\.libs\*.o c:\mingw\lib\libws2_32.a c:\mingw\lib\libpthreadGC2.a mex -Ic:\mingw\liblo-0.24 -Lc:\mingw\lib -f mexopts.bat osc_free_server.c c:\mingw\liblo-0.24\src\.libs\*.o c:\mingw\lib\libws2_32.a c:\mingw\lib\libpthreadGC2.a mex -Ic:\mingw\liblo-0.24 -Lc:\mingw\lib -f mexopts.bat osc_send.c c:\mingw\liblo-0.24\src\.libs\*.o c:\mingw\lib\libws2_32.a c:\mingw\lib\libpthreadGC2.a mex -Ic:\mingw\liblo-0.24 -Lc:\mingw\lib -f mexopts.bat osc_recv.c c:\mingw\liblo-0.24\src\.libs\*.o c:\mingw\lib\libws2_32.a c:\mingw\lib\libpthreadGC2.a
If everything went fine, you should now find some new .mexw32 files in your directory.